Volunteering opportunities
There are many volunteering opportunities at St Mary's, some more formal than others. We try to match people's talents to the tasks in hand, so if you would like to help us, please let us know about your interests and skills.
We're always looking for people to help with the day-to-day running of the church and to open it to the public for longer hours. If you're a dab hand with the Brasso or a broom, we can certainly put you to work. We also need volunteers to help staff and serve refreshments at events. There are opportunities to take a role in our worship, as readers, intercessors, chalice bearers, servers and choir members. Our parish has many lonely and vulnerable people; you may be able to help our pastoral care team with home and hospital visits or simply by offering a sympathetic ear to people who seek help at the church. We also have volunteering opportunities with our distribution agency for The Big Issue magazine, our parent-toddler group, our friendship cafe and our English-conversation classes. All volunteers are given induction training covering health and safety provisions and our safeguarding policy. For roles involving children or vulnerable adults we may require volunteers to undergo a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check. If you are interested in volunteering, please call Fr Andrew Woodward on 01273 698601 or complete the enquiry form below. Back to About us Back to Home page |