Regular services
Covid-19 Update
Good news! All services at St Mary's are open for public worship. The 10 am Sunday service is also live-streamed for people at home. If you would like a prayer said for yourself or others, please use our confidential Can we pray for you? link. If you live at a distance from elderly or vulnerable friends or family who reside in our neighbourhood, or are yourself shielding or required to self-isolate, please let us know if they or you need any assistance in obtaining supplies or other support and we will try to help. Phone: 01273 698601. Online and Public Worship
Sundays, 10am Masks are requested if you do not have a medical exemption. To join the Sunday morning service online, click this Zoom link for the live stream: (You shouldn't need a password, but if asked key in: 5Tw84D) To follow the service by phone, call 020 80806591 from 9.50am onwards and, when prompted, key in: Meeting ID: 981 5467 9178 Password: 254560 Sung Parish Eucharist
A beautiful, dignified act of worship, conducted according to the Common Worship liturgy, with a sung mass, candles and incense. Children are welcome throughout and there are toys and a small play area for littlies. Happy dogs on a lead are also welcome. If you're new to church or just to St Mary's, enjoy the experience. You may sit where you like and either watch or join in with as much as appeals. The regular service is printed in the red booklets, with the weekly readings and notices on the white sheets, and the hymns in the green books. During communion, everyone may come forward to the altar but if you would prefer to remain in your seat, please do so. You may also come forward to receive a blessing from the priest instead of taking the sacraments. If you've any questions at any stage, it's always OK to ask! Send us an email in advance if you've any particular questions you would like sorted before attending. If you're coming by car we can also help with parking on a Sunday morning. We're delighted if people stay behind (or drop-in) for tea and coffee afterwards. Again, if you're new to St Mary's, the coffee-slot after the service is a good time to get to know the church and meet our regulars. We're usually open until 12 .30 pm for visiting on a Sunday and it's fine to take photographs. Mondays, 9.30 - 10.00 am Morning Prayer (BCP) A calming, meditative start to the working week with a half-hour spoken service, conducted in the evocative language of the Book of Common Prayer. The service is held in the intimate space of the Lady Chapel. The church remains open until 1pm. **CURRENTLY HELD IN THE St JAMES CHAPEL** Tuesdays, 6.30 - 7.00 pm Evening Prayer A quiet, said service, using the Common Worship liturgy, held in the Lady Chapel. People are welcome to join the service or simply enjoy the serenity and calm of the church, which remains open until 7 pm. The evening light flooding in through the west windows is both beautiful and soothing, especially in the summer. **CURRENTLY HELD IN THE St JAMES CHAPEL** Wednesdays, 9.30 - 10.00 am Morning Prayer A quiet, said service, using the Common Worship liturgy, held in the Lady Chapel. People are welcome to join the service or simply enjoy the serenity and calm of the church, which remains open until 1 pm. **CURRENTLY HELD IN THE St JAMES CHAPEL** Wednesdays, 12.30 - 1 pm Said Eucharist A half-hour spoken Eucharist, conducted according to the Common Worship liturgy, which takes place in the Lady Chapel. **CURRENTLY HELD IN THE St JAMES CHAPEL** Fridays, 9.30 - 10.00 am Morning Prayer A quiet, said service, using the Common Worship liturgy, held in the Lady Chapel. People are welcome to join the service or else view the church and breathe in its calming beauty. The church remains open until 1pm. **CURRENTLY HELD IN THE St JAMES CHAPEL** Back to Services Back to Home page |
The procession. Photo by Justin Chan.