Welcome to St Mary'sWelcome to St Mary's.
We are an inclusive Anglican church situated in a vibrant and diverse part of Brighton. We welcome all who enter our doors - and also those who simply look in out of curiosity. We strive to be representative of the community in which we are situated - whether elderly or young, partnered or single, gay, bi, lesbian, trans or straight. Fr Andrew is the Bishop's Liaison Officer for the LGBTQI communities across the Diocese of Chichester. Listen to the BBC Radio Sussex Interview on 22 January 2023 https://www.chichester.anglican.org/living-in-love-and-faith/ Fr Andrew Revd Canon Andrew Woodward Read more About us and our Services. Contact us. Make a donation. Ask us to pray for you. The 10am Sunday service is live-streamed for people at home, at bit.ly/StMarysKT. Many of our other services and events are also live-streamed. The church is open for individual prayer and our regular services on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9.30am to 1pm. We're also open on Tuesday evenings at 6.30pm -7.15pm for Evening Prayer and visitors. Our 2024 Christmas Appeal is now live. This supports our Drop in Christmas Day Lunch, clothing and sleeping bags, food vouchers for our Big Issue sellers and a contribution towards keeping the church warm over the winter period. Last year we raised over £7,400 which was a fantastic result. Thank you in advance for your continued support of St Mary's. We can do this again, but only with your help. https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/StMarysChristmasJoy2024 Do donate and watch the sum increase! Alternatively you can credit the Church account directly -- St Marys Church Kemp Town, 201275 50672734, or pop a cash or cheque donation in an envelope marked "Christmas". Every contribution counts. Baptisms, Blessings, Weddings, Funerals/Services of Thanksgiving/ The Church of England’s General Synod has welcomed proposals which would enable same-sex couples to come to church after a civil marriage or civil partnership to give thanks, dedicate their relationship to God and receive God’s blessing. The Parish Church Council have overwhelmingly endorsed these proposals. Please contact Fr Andrew for more details if you would like to mark your special occasion with prayers and a blessing. We have a regular service on the third Saturday of each month at 2pm which may be an opportunity, if you wish to arrange a blessing within that service. - email Fr Andrew - [email protected] This week's services and eventsMonday, 2 December Church open - 9.30am -1pm MORNING PRAYER 9.30am Big Issue Sales - 8am -1pm Pastoral Care Team -7pm Tuesday, 3 December Koalas parent and toddler group 2.30pm in Church Hall Church open 6.30pm- 7.15pm EVENING PRAYER 6.30pm Choir Practice 7.15pm Small Hall AGMC Rehearsal 7.30pm Wednesday, 4 December Church open - 9.30am -1pm MORNING PRAYER 9.30am Big Issue Sales - 9.30am-1pm Advent Meditation 10.15am WEDNESDAY EUCHARIST 12.30pm Brighton Women's Centre - Hall - 2pm Tea and Company drop in community tea 3pm Garrido Drumming 5.45pm Thursday, 5 December Church Closed today for Big Church Clean - See Fr Andrew or Philip Friday, 6 December Church open - 9.30am - 1pm MORNING PRAYER 9.30am Big Issue Sales - 9.30am -1pm Saturday 7 December Breadwinners - o/s East Porch - 10am-4pm AA Newcomers - Large Hall - 10.45am Fine Music for Free 6pm Sunday, 8 December Church open - 9.30am - 1pm SUNG EUCHARIST 10.00am ADVENT 2 Organist - Philip Bailey President: Fr Mike Preacher: Fr Mike READINGS - First Reading: Malachi 3. 1-4 Benedictus Epistle: Philippians 1. 3-11 Gospel: Luke 3. 1-6 To join the Sunday morning service online, click on this Zoom link from 9.50am onwards: https://bit.ly/StMarysKT (You should not need a password, but if you are asked for one it is: 5Tw84D) You may also follow the service by phone, in which case call 020 8080 6591 from 9.50am onwards and, when prompted, key in the meeting number and password: Meeting ID: 981 5467 9178 Password: 254560 On to About us Read Latest news and What's coming up |