Opening hours
St Mary's is open for public worship on Sundays at 10am. The Sunday Sung Eucharist services are also live-streamed for people at home.
The church is also open for visiting and prayer on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, 9.30am - 1pm. You can also join us for Evening Prayer on Tuesdays at 6.30pm. If you are making a special trip to the church, please call us on 01273 698601 to make sure we will be there. We rely on volunteers to keep the church open and sometimes we have to close at short notice. If you would like a prayer said for yourself or others, please use our confidential Can we pray for you? link. Monday 9.30am - 1pm Tuesday 6.30pm - 8pm Wednesday 9.30am - 1pm Friday 9.30am - 1pm Sunday 10am - 12.30pm and the second Saturday of each month between 10am and 12 noon Back to Home page On to About us |