Donations and giving
We are thankful for all forms of giving at St Mary's. It costs us £125,000 a year plus thousands of volunteer hours to keep the church open for worship, visiting and community activities. We couldn't do what we do without people's generous support.
We'd like to do more - to open for longer hours; to provide more support to local people in need; to let more performers, teachers and community groups use our space for next to nothing. But we can't do this without growing both our income and our team of volunteers. If you'd like to make a gift of your time and skills, please read about our volunteering opportunities. If you'd like to make a one-off or regular financial contribution, please use this JustGiving link. We really appreciate regular giving as it helps us budget for the future. Alternatively, if you would like to make a donation directly to us via cheque or electronic transfer, please download this form.
Looking after the building
The upkeep of the church fabric is undeniably costly, but it brings countless rewards because the building affords a spiritual experience to so many people who enter its doors. Some know and recognize St Mary's as the house of God. Others, perhaps of a different faith or no faith at all, nonetheless find peace and harmony within its walls. Still others appreciate the building for its aesthetic or historical values or as a community resource. If you would like to make a gift that is ring-fenced for the restoration and preservation of the building's fabric, then please donate to the Friends of St Mary's. And if you would like to have an ongoing relationship with this beautiful building, please consider becoming a Friend of St Mary's. Contact for further advice If you need advice or clarification about making a donation either to St Mary's or to the Friends of St Mary's, please contact Fr Andrew Woodward via email or phone: 01273 698601. Back to Home page On to About us |